how to make the discourse hub app work

Anyone interested to read about it:

Source code in github:

I installed the iPhone client but can’t find the Victron’s forum from it. Others that I use are there.

Hi @tuju,

I tried the discourse hub app and it seems to work;

I got the same Discourse hub.

I can’t find it and not even type whitespace, whole button doesn’t exist.

The question is, is this device or regional issue?

In your screenshot you only typed victron
In mine I typed the full url

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That did the trick

once i pasted the url, it was “No results found…” for half of second and then the forum popped in.

I’m sure it should appear with plain Victron as well.

We’re still in our trial period on the temporary domain, but I’ll add it to the transition checklist to make sure it works once we are migrated.

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I installed the app with mixed results, probably due to the limitations of the software I happened to be using:

  1. On IOS 16.5.1, the app works flawlessly.
  2. On Android 10, clicking on the link in the browser takes me to an external browser, regardless of the browser setting (see screenshots). From there, everything works.

  3. On Windows 10, I always get “there are no visible groups” (see screenshot).
