Help! my touch 50 disabled to touch

I’ve had my cerbo GX for 2 years never had a problem with it. I upgraded the new GUI. I was recently trying to install the gx140 tank monitor but had the wrong sending units. I put two of the three sending units back into the main unit and it was showing correctly and all of the sudden… No touch enabled

What do you do to fix it

I rebooted numerous times by disconnecting the power and by using the remote console on my phone

Hi and welcome to the community!

I have seen this once and what I did to fix it was unplug the USB power and HDNI connections, reconnect in this order USB power first then HDMI. (with the Cerbo powered)
This worked for me and I have not had a problem since, but of course this could of been just coincidental.

If no joy it could of gone faulty, so time to RMA it.

Thank you. I’ll try that today.

Smooth sailing and fresh warm breezes,
Tony Carey

Read manual and plugged in the digital again with two wire a wire and it put it back to touch mode.
All’s working now

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Glad to hear it’s all working :grinning:, can I ask you make this as solved so if others have this issue they can find this easer. :+1:
Cheers. :beer:

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