GUI v2 bug in history for MPPT 250/100 CAN


when I’ve moved to the v2 GUI I’ve noticed that my MPPT 250/100 is missing history graph and older entries.
Only today / yesterday is selectable in the dropdown:

My second MPPT shows historic entries for last 7/30 days as well:

I’ve just updated to 3.53 but unfortunately this issue was not fixed.

Old UI is showing historic data for both MPPTs.


FWIK, the VE.Can devices will publish by default on the bus only Today and Yesterday history values.
Not that the VE.Can devices doesn’t have them inside, but only the last two days are read by the VE.Can driver.

The others, VE.Direct ones, will have available the entire last month.

Maybe in the future this will change, or who knows maybe I am wrong and they are already read…
Nevertheless, the speed and way the CAN communication works, it’s no problem to read all 30 days for as much as 25 devices without problem.
And even if it’s so, it should not be all available all at once, the info can be read progressively even along one minute, in my opinion…

Also take a look at this: v3.50~13 GUIv2 MPPT History Incomplete