Globallink 520 - relay port - operation, power requirement and limits

Globallink 520 installed in a 12V system. It has a relay port. I want to control the relay port via VRM - using it to control a secondary DC/AC relay. The secondary DC/AC relay will switch a 220V heater on and off. Hence I have the following questions;

  1. Is the relay port powered internally? If yes, what is the voltage comming out of the port?
  2. If the port is not powered, what is the max. voltage it can support?

I have tried to read the manual, but it appears vague on this. For clarity, I do not ask questions about the usage of the two digital inputs that are also fitted to the GL520.

Any and all guidance is welcome.

Thanks for reading the post

Go to the product pahe on the Victron site, scroll down to downloads and download the datasheet. It has the relay specification.

Also read my FAQ. There have been many cases of people overloading the relays driving contactors if the right ones or right wiring is not used.

Thanks for the advice

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