BMV Relay to control an external contactor

Hi there. I want to use the BMV relay to control a separate contactor that switches on and off another circuit, based on the state of charge of the battery.

The power supply available is the 230VAC in the house and 50VDC from the battery.

I don’t think I can pass AC trough the relay, but I tried to energise a 48VDC contactor from the battery and it did not work

Is there any special contactor that I can use with the BMV relay.

I read in the BMV manual that it’s rated at 60VDC, is this the maximum VDC that you can pass through the relay? please explain to me what this 60VDC rating on the relay means

Thank you

The 60VDC means ot can switch loads up to that voltage. Also important is the current rating and the need to do this properly. There are many people who have damaged the relays by not wiring correctly when driving other contactors.

See the DIY FAQ on this subject.


the relay could drag a maximum of 1 Amp under 60V and this is a dry loop. Just like a switch.
Over this voltage, there is no warranty that the relay works OK.

You need to take a +48V from your system, add an 1 A fuse, connect to a power relay coil A. THe B pin of the coil to one of the BMV relay and the other BMV pin to ground.

So ach time youclose the BMV relay, the power relay will be activated to command an other power circuit .


Thank you all for your contributions. I have managed to get the setup working

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