As a suggestion - ability to create a custom command as a button for complex systems.
That button should be able to run other commands in predefined queue
Example - Shutdown system on maintenance.
In my setup for that I need
do a hardware bypass on my Power Box in order to unplug all my Victron hardware from IN and OUT ( this can’t be automated, not part of current feature request )
Go to MultiRS - put it to OFF mode
Go to MPPT RS - put it to OFF mode
Go to SmartMPPT 150/70 - put it to OFF mode
Go to Cerbo - shutdown
Go to Lynx Smart BMS - off the contactor
Only then I can do hardware work, like add/remove battery, or connect/disconnect anything in a system
Would be cool to have ability to define steps/commands and create a button in e.g gui-v2 on sidebar screen.
Especially for beta testers )
Create a python class inside which the init function will create a user defined path/variable in d-bus
Add a switch on any desired Cerbo’s pages, like the one(s) used for switching the relay states.
That switch will modify that d-bus path/variable created on step 1.
Monitor that d-bus path/variable inside a timer function that runs periodically, for example once every second, and when the variable changes state, perform there your desired action(s).
Launch that script like any other service at system boot.
Being a d-bus variable you’ll also have the advantage to trigger it from any other place / means.