According to the Modbus registers xls this meets dbus object path /Settings/Ess/Mode on com.victronenergy.multi:
0=self-consumption (battery-life);1=self-consumption;2=Keep charged;3=External control
But dbus -y com.victronenergy.multi returns “/” - so seems to be not existing.
If I change the ESS setting in the Remode Console, the dbus monitor shows
But according to the Modbus registers xls /Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode has the values:
1=ESS with Phase Compensation;2=ESS without phase compensation;3=Disabled/External Control
Also dbus -y com.victronenergy.BusItem returns “/”. /Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode appears with com.victronenergy.settings
I was not able to locate /Settings/Ess/Mode at all. I tried com.victronenergy.settings, I tried com.victronenergy.system, I tried the complete list delivered by dbuy-spy. Nowhere to be found.
I tried dbus -y com.victronenergy.system / GetValue | grep Mode
→ nothing
I tried with com.victronenergy.hub4, with … .gui, with .fronius, with .adc, with .modbusclient.tcp, with .modbustcp, with .ble, wth .platform
→ all nothing.
any idea? somewhere the fu Remote Console must get the value from, or not? might it take from a combination of other object settings?
The Remote Console files are in the /opt/victronenergy/gui/qml folder.
Specifically what you want is in the PageSettingsHub4.qml file.
Look at it and see to which path it maps…
Iirc, both “Optimized Modes” are setting the hub4mode to “1” (or any other, but the same) - so, switching between with and without battery life won’t show any changes there.
Battery life is a dedicated Flag, that is set along with the “Optimized Mode”. (Settings/Gwacs/BatteryLife)
acsystem exists because of the Multi RS type devices.
Also multi identifier refers to Multi RS type devices.
MultiPlus, being an older device is characterized by the vebus identifier where most of the inverter/chargers are.
For sure you saw these:
And for sure worth a careful read, especially this:
ESS stuff
ESS mode (/Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode):
1: Optimized mode or 'keep batteries charged' and phase compensation enabled
2: Optimized mode or 'keep batteries charged' and phase compensation disabled
3: External control
ESS state (/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/State):
This path can both be read from, and written to.
For reading the ESS state:
0: No longer used.
Optimized mode with BatteryLife:
1: Value set by the GUI when BatteryLife is enabled. Hub4Control uses it to find the right BatteryLife state (values 2-7) based on system state
2: Self consumption
3: Self consumption, SoC exceeds 85%
4: Self consumption, SoC at 100%
5: SoC below BatteryLife dynamic SoC limit
6: SoC has been below SoC limit for more than 24 hours. Charging with battery with 5amps
7: Multi/Quattro is in sustain
8: Recharge, SOC dropped 5% or more below MinSOC.
Keep batteries charged mode:
9: 'Keep batteries charged' mode enabled
Optimized mode without BatteryLife:
10: Self consumption, SoC at or above minimum SoC
11: Self consumption, SoC is below minimum SoC
12: Recharge, SOC dropped 5% or more below minimum SoC
For changing the ESS state:
1: Change the ESS mode to "Optimized (with BatteryLife)"
9: Change the ESS mode to "Keep Batteries Charged"
10: Change the ESS mode to "Optimized (without BatteryLife)"
So to summarise:
To set the system to External Control:
- write 3 to /Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode
To set the system to Keep Batteries charged:
- write 1 or 2 to /Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode (1 enabled phase compensation; 2 disables it).
- write 9 to /Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/State
To set the system to Optimized
- write 1 or 2 to /Settings/CGwacs/Hub4Mode (1 enabled phase compensation; 2 disables it).
- write 1 or 10 to /Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/State (1 for BatteryLife, 10 for without).