Easy Solar 2 5kva


We are installing our first Victron off grid system and im looking for some guidance on a wiring diagram.

The system is a easy solar 2 5kva with 5 x pylon tech us5000 batteries and 2 lynx devices running on 10 x 420w panels. We will also need an external generator input to the easy solar.

I am stuvk on trying to find out what size cable we can fit into the easy solar ac 1 output. We will be using output 1 for a pump at 2.2kw and then output 2 will be to run basic lighting.

Is someone able to offer me a wiring diagram to show how this setup will work correctly and advice on what settings we will need to setup

hi, you can easily fit 4 or 5mm2 cable - it’s AC so doesn’t need to be huge for 5kva. I believe the AC cables should go from easysolar to your swtichboard and then from there to pump, lights, etc…

why such a high power pump? it’s start up power will be very large (for a very short time of course)…

i found this archived thread useful as the manual is rather lacking: https://communityarchive.victronenergy.com/questions/85976/how-do-i-configure-an-easysolar-ii-gx.html?childToView=332166#answer-332166

Hi @simondw
The Victron website has a lot of example schematics. The searchbar can’t use Easysolar, so try the components within, eg. Multiplus… System schematics - Victron Energy
Or Lynx, etc.
For settings you might need, start with the Pylontech stuff… Victron & Pylontech UP2500, US2000, US3000, US2000C, US3000C, US5000, US5000B, US5000C, Pelio-L, UP5000, Phantom-S, Force-L1 & L2 [Victron Energy]

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Thank you for your help. I am now wondering is it possible to connect 5 us5000 pylontech batteries to 2 lynx distributors and if so how would I go about this. Absolute novice at Victron and the manuals online arnt great