Off-Grid system with APsystems microinverters and Pylontech US2000 batteries!

Hello everyone,

I am building an Off-Grid system using the Victron Energy Multiplus II inverter (or another suitable Victron inverter), APsystems microinverters, and Pylontech US2000 batteries. Could I get assistance with the correct wiring diagram to connect all of these components?

Here is a description of my system:
• Inverter: Victron Energy Multiplus II (or another Victron inverter, if this is more suitable for Off-Grid operation).
• Microinverters: APsystems (they will be connected to the solar panels).
• Batteries: Pylontech US2000.

1. How do I properly connect the APsystems microinverters and Pylontech US2000 batteries to the Victron inverter? Do I need additional components or controllers?
2. How can I ensure efficient interaction between the solar panels, microinverters, and batteries for full Off-Grid operation?
3. Are there any additional recommendations for configuration to ensure maximum efficiency and safety of the system?

I would appreciate any advice, wiring diagrams, or examples of existing solutions.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Reading this, i think you need a trained professional. it is not as simple as putting a battery in a flashlight, far from… it’s dangerous and could possibly end up in hospital or worse.

There are free training courses available on victron professional

Search on the forum for apsystems+victron …

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I know that it’s not as easy, but it’s not as hard as we think either. Thank you.

Start by reading the manuals of all the equipment you want to use, and best is to get advice / help from a local official victron dealer

System design is not allowed on the community, read the guidelines please

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As already said you need to find a trained professional to assist you, the only comment I would make is on the Inverter, a better choice if you are off-grid (and don’t plan to get grid connected) is the Inverter RS Smart is a powerful 48 VDC, 6 kVA 230 VAC inverter. (I have two paralleled for redundancy and if one fails the other keeps suppling power)
Inverter RS Smart - Victron Energy

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apsystems-yc500-victron-multiplus-2018-wp.pdf (835.4 KB)
It should be easy enough if you are technical. The only rule will be the 1:1 for AC coupled systems excluding any local codes.

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Hi Emin.
I’m an offgridder. And frankly, wouldn’t touch microinverters with a bargepole. Even if compatible, those likely need to be ‘frequency fiddled’ to control them. So you’re instantly building in poor frequency stability to your system. With no grid, even a generator can also add a frequency issue, but that’s usually manageable alone.
The Victron website is a good place to start for wiring diagrams, etc. A lot of general info too. The Pylontech setup… Victron & Pylontech UP2500, US2000, US3000, US2000C, US3000C, US5000, US5000B, UF5000, Pelio-L, UP5000, Phantom-S, Force-L1 & L2 [Victron Energy]

Add a GX device for all the control and monitoring thrills. And a Victron mppt or 3. Flick the micros, those are designed to be slaves to a grid.

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Will it not work without the generator?

You dont need a generator. Setting the multiplus to work with PV inverters is easy but you will need a PV monitor like an ET112 to get solar production.

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