DC Only System

Hello I have an isolated DC system for a Telecomunications facility and only DC used to charge LI bateries and an Orion for consumption in DC.

It’s possible to put out the inverter from the systema schematic ? Because we don’t have any inverter, only workig in DC

No, the whole system for Victron revolves around the inverter. They can not make templates for every possible set up so have a few basic templates that cover the majority of systems.

Ok thanks for the answer, is not making another template is only not showing not installed items, like the show or hide other grid inverters, meters…

As with any company they will give priority to most valuable work.

Custom dashboards are very possible using node red if it is a priority for your project.

Here some exemples… ingrated to truck board… (Draft/beta version)

HomeCar side board with some informations coming fron and other GX system (fuel)

(Do not pay attention to fridge temp…it is OFF :wink:


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