Current limit

I have 2 multiplus II 5KVA in parallel and my grid is limited to 10A but when I try to change the setting on VRM it won’t go lower than 13A. (12.2A actually)

Can someone explain why this is happening and if there is a workaround as the grid 10A breaker keeps tripping. I could do with the battery assisting (when on grid) once the loads go over 10A.

I have a USB MK3 to reprogram the MP II’s VE Bus if necessary.


Okay thanks for the link. The thread seems to be suggesting to disable Power Assist to get the Current Limit lower than 12.2A but if I do that the inverters will not assist the grid when it goes over the limit?? I just tried it and the inverters did not assist at all so obviously the grid tripped.

Sorry if I misunderstand but that does not make sense a lot of grid supplies when travelling are only 6 or 10A, surely there is a way to make sure the current draw from the grid never goes over that.

It will assist but no boost factor defined changes how.
Unfortunately you will just have to experiment/test and see.