Charge current Pylontech force L1


I have a 3 phase setup with multiplus 2 48/5000 and two mppt rs 450/200 and a pylontech force L1 battery with 518ah.

As soon as i power up it triggers the high current alarm on the battery thats at 100A no mather what other parameters i set.

I have the ESS assistant loaded and enabled feed back to the grid and i have set the maximum charge current in DVCC at 100A.

Is there a solution for the mutiplus to recognice this and simply charge the battery with tha maximum of 100A, power the loads and then feed back the ecxess?

The only solution i found is to reduce the charge current to 50A each on the mppt but then i loose a lot of solar.

Grateful for any help or tip.

In the manual under DVCC is says the CCL is ignored when feeding back to grid. (under the ess reasons table)

Try cap the voltage in DVCC that will help with overshoot on voltage.
I have also found the way a system is physically connected can change the behaviour as well.

1 L force seems a bit small for a three phase 15Kva system. Not much can be done about that except add more battery since it doesn’t meet min needs of the system. 100A is barely enough for one 5kva inverter.