ESS: Muiltiplus only charging on excess power, but not from grid (e.g. keep battery charged)

Hey Community,

I’m having an interesing problem with my Victron System. But let’s start with the facts/layout:
Domestic home with 2 ‘grid inverters (kostal)’, additionally a victron ess (20kWh lifepo4 with jkbms, multiplus 2 3000, two bluesolar charge controllers, external grid meter)

The ESS works fine during ‘normal’ operations (ESS optimized or optimized with battery life), during the day the batteries are charged using both the bluesolar chargers as well as the multiplus when excess production is available in the ‘ac’ system.
However when increasing the soc limit or changing ESS mode to ‘keep batteries charged’, the mode ‘recharging’ is displayed but the Multiplus does not charge. It only supplies a view amps for a few seconds before it stops, discharges a bit, then recharges a little bit, …

I would expect the Multiplus to charge using full power (unless limited by current limit, etc…). Has anyone an idea what could be wrong? Which info/settings should i provide for better debugging?

Are you running close to this limit already?

How far away from the battery target charge voltage is the bank when you switched it to keep batteries charged?