Cerbo USB connection, need more

I have two x Victron Energy SmartSolar MPPT 100V 30 amp 12/24-Volt Solar Charge Controllers for my 6 panels

One is used for 4x100W Renogy panels. The 4 Renogy are serial parallel connections.
the other is used for some older 160W & 40 W panels. The 160w and 40w are serial

i used two controllers as there is a mismatch in the panels outputs, thus the two controllers can manage each of the sets of panels.

the Cerbo does not have enough USB ports, so a i used a 4 port USB hub to connect the 2x MPPT controllers into the last USB on the Cerbo using two Victron Energy VE.Direct to USB Interfaces. Now the Victron display shows all devices

That’s correct, as described in the Cerbo user manual, except that your series 160w and 40w panel won’t work very well - personally I’d put only the 160 panel on one controller and toss the 40 or put it on a PWM controller maintaining the start battery or something, but that’s another discussion entirely.
Did you have a question relating to the USB hub?