Brand new in box cannot connect viablietootj

I’m not sure if I’m doing it right, but I unboxed my mppt smart 100/30 downloaded vic connect, but it doesn’t find my controller.

Am I missing something

Help please

We’ll need some more info to help much. Did you power the unit up? Assuming so, start with the “troubleshooting bluetooth connections” section of the user manual: 8. Troubleshooting

That’s kinda a great question, but truthfully I don’t see a power button on my unit or anything like that. Do I need to connect it to a battery to start?
Google searches say I shouldn’t have to.

Yes, you have to connect it to the battery for it to be powered. Don’t ever trust Google, LOL, read the owner/installation manual which is linked above.

Thanks for the reply Justin. I’ll give it a shot.
I was just checking the unit out before I go through the whole manual for full proper setup.
Appreciate your time.
5 stars in yelp! Lol

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