BMS Connection lost

Am Getting this Error Sporadically over the last month Since going to V3.33
Have read about the error & its great I can go to it from alarm logs
My issue is I get NO alarm on my CerboGx so am NOT aware of the issue until I realise I’m NOT getting the solar generation I should be or Visually see the controller in FLOAT when it should be BULK if I happen to Pass it By
MultiPlus 240/5000 CerboGX 2x solar 250/100 chargers BMS Pylontech Batteries All are running Latest software only way to fix is to Turn Off BMS control & reset the CerboGX
Alarms are generated onLine But are UNSEEN locally the VRM continues to Show 2 Chargers But 1 is out of date as for current & charging status

(Now FIXED Just on another observation the 2 Topeka sensors I have do Not Update Capacity on the VRM but the temp does. Rebooting CerboGX)

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We have a similar problem on a system consisting of two Smartsolar 250/100 MPPT charge controllers, a Quattro 48/10000, a Color Control running GX OS v3.41 and a Blue Nova HC battery. The MPPT charge controllers are connected to the Color control through its VE.Direct interfaces.

Every now and again one of the MPPT charge controllers will report Error code #67 and clear a couple of seconds later. It is always reported by the same MPPT charge controller. The event is reported in the Notification log on the local interface.

The fact that the event is only treported by one MPPT charge controller only, suggests that the cause may be external to the CAN bus.

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Hi icronje
Thank you for replying
Yes its always the same controller & it shuts it down so I get no charging Fails to report it to the VRM Since this one here
Solar Charger - Mppt#2 1.6KW [289] Error code: #67 - No BMS 2024-08-04 19:30:57 16s
noting it was only 16 Seconds
have had several instances since that are Not Reporting to VRM logs & TWICE in 1 DAY
Only alarms on the LOCAl interface with V-connect
I did do some testing by changing cables & placing one via VE direct & one by USB (both were via usb adaptors)
it only occurred on the one Controller & with 2x USB VE direct converters to the Cerbo GX
However Having one on USB (same one going into error Consistently over the last 7 days ) & the other via VE Direct it is So far stable for 2 Days which I had thought may point to USB on the Cerbo being an issue as it did NOT occur with VE Direct but your experience would suggest maybe not
Time will tell :slightly_frowning_face:
It might be worth you trying a usb converter (if you had one as your instance is Occasional) on one of the controllers to see if it solves it. :smiley:

I also have this error/alarm on one of my systems.
But the trouble is coming from the fact I’ve move the Cerbo device from one installation to an other one with out reseting the VE.BUS.
So no the system is showing me the error and I’m not able to remore it.
In setting the old Multiplus (not present in this installation) is stil there in the settings of batteries measurement menu of the cerbo.

Is there a way to remove it manually ?

See Here

Hi Martin, we had the same problem for a while, it was corrected, by changing the can cable.

Hi Bulent
Seems the usb converter was possibly at fault as ALL GOOD via only 1 USB & VE Direct on the other Mppt
Nice Website :smiley:a battery-powered system may be the best option in areas without access to mains electricity where it would be expensive to bring in electricity
Yes The Power company Quoted us $35000.00 to connect 8 years ago


I found a way with RED NODE to clear it …

Great :joy:

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