Bluesolar MPPT 250/70 Ve.can history

I have a mppt 250/70 ve.can connected to a cerbo gx, and via the VRM app it is not possible to see a history beyond “yesterday”. When I open VictronConnect, select my cerbo(vrm), connected devices, and then this mppt, I do get data beyond yesterday.

My other mppt connected via ve.bus does show the history in both apps. Is there a setting, or logical reason why it is not visible via the VRM app?

Hopefully the screenshots will come through in this post.
Best regards,


I thought i had remembered reading about this somewhere. Cant find it right now.
Can connected only shows 2 days by default so it is normal. There is an expectation a long chain of data on the can (you can imagine the information if you had 25 mppts connected.)

Another post, same question.

Old forum.