Battery percentage not visible

We have just installed a victron multiplus 2 GX, 5000 with a mppt150 35 and a lynx distributor to two Pylontech us5000 batteries.

When connecting to the multiplus with bluetooth, in the app there is no information shown on the battery percentage. Is this normal, or did we do something wrong in the installation?
Hope to hear! Thanks!

The multiplus does not support bluetooth, the GX in the unit has bluetooth but is only for configuring wifi and initial setup. Any further access is over IP to the console UI or VRM.
If these aren’t showing battery information, then it appears that battery is not properly connected to the GX. If it is working you will see a device list entry for it, and related details. How to connect these devices is well documented in the docs accessible via the battery compatibility page.
If it is in the list, check what information is shown in the details section of the console.
Sometimes it helps to just power everything off and start the batteries in the right order again.

Old MultiPlus II GX units didn’t have bluetooth, from what I know and reading their brochure…
Do the new ones have bluetooth ?
It would be a big step forward for configuring them! No more MK3!

Thank you Nick for your response. I went trough the manuals again, but i cannot figure out what might be wrong. Maybe the conclusion is that the V-CAN type A cable might be broken and i have to order a new one. If the cable isnt broken the multiplus should at least recognize and make it visible in the device list right?

CAN Bus configured in the GX Device / Remote Console ?

  • Resisitor !

blue cable the right way round … BMS CAN A is correct …

Pylontechs started properly TOGETHER ?

and fully charge once so that the status is transmitted to the system at 100%.
Simply set to ‘Keep batteries charged’…

Are the cable ends inserted to the right device?
It seems that on the Pylontechs is the end on which is writen Victron VE.Can ?
The cable is NOT reversible!
On the Pylontech should be the end where it says: Battery BMS CAN type-A

If I am wrong, sorry…

Hi Kees.
Your batts aren’t communicating. If they were, the mppt would be showing ‘Ext Control’ in your first pic.

One issue I can plainly see is LINKPORT1 connected to the other LINKPORT1. This is wrong, LP1 should go to LP0. There should only be one empty LP0, and that becomes the Master.
Correct that and restart the batts. That should fix it, unless there’s something else at play too…

As John states that won’t help, as the other battery may have decided to be primary.
On a GX like that the port is by default VE.CAN which will have the wrong profile, make sure to change its settings to BMS.CAN via the console.

LP1 is, indeed, going to LP0.
A close-up.

And you may be right too Alex. It’s still a comms issue I’d be looking for. Maybe try changing the Master.

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I bet it is…
Probably the cable is reverse connected and, now I see, I believe that Steffen beat me to it when he said “blue cable the right way round”…