Bad trading decisions


It has been the first full day of turning on dynamic ESS and it is behaving a bit odd.
During the day it seemed from time to time to be charging at high prices and discharging at low prices.
But now, while the price is at the highest mark of the day, it is oscillating between discharging to the grid with 3-6K for 30-120 seconds and then flips to charging from the grid at 12K for 10-30 seconds. This keeps oscillating back and forth. According to the graph, there is a clear delta between the but and sell price, so this seems very odd.

Is there any way I can intervene and nudge the algoritme in the right direction?

Trade mode seems really confused, it is making not very smart decisions. It is burning money instead of earning it. I find myself constantly trying to steer it in a better direction by switching green/trade and also turning off dynamic.
Does it need to learn or something? Should I just leave it in dynamic trade mode and suffer the cost of the dumb trades for a while before it starts making smart decisions?

This morning I tried trade mode again with dess, but again the Wild oscillating between charging and discharging. Also the forecast solar is way off. It should be 20+kW, but instead it is guessing 4

I have put it back in green mode again, because it is just heating the room now…

Today I was surprised by the bad decisions made when in trading mode. It randomly decided to dump energy during the night, while electricity was very cheap. Also the solar estimates keep being off. The estimate for today is too low by a factor of 2 and this keeps happening and then it ends up dumping solar on the cheap after it first filled up the battery to a very high level.

I would love a way to influence the trader when I spot it is making bad estimates/decisions.

I have the feeling it as a plan for the battery SOC and tries to work against it, when in reality it overshoots, instead of making a new plan