Dynamic ESS not charging batteries and not selling. Just static state

I have been testing with DESS.
When i did the config and switch it on, it started selling at the expected moment.
I only discharge to 60% SOC because i am just testing.
After it had discharged the battery to 60% it is doing nothing for days.
Every day it rises the minimum soc by 5% as said in the manual, but it is not buying or selling at all.
When i have excess solar it sends it to the grid and not to the battery.
I have not entered the right values for the battery price and cycles because I wanted the cyclecosts to be as low as possible after I saw no transactions.

My settings are:
Can you sell energy back to the grid? Yes
Maximum import power 3.68 kW
Maximum export power 3.68 kW
Operating modeTrade mode
Battery capacity 11.52 kWh
Maximum discharge power 3 kW
Maximum charge power 3.46 kW
Estimated battery cycle life 6000
Battery price€ 1000
Battery cycle costs per kWh 0.01 €/kWh
Battery balancing On
Full charge interval 14 days
Do you want to restrict the battery usage? No

Buy prices type Dynamic
Energy provider country Netherlands
Energy provider name Zonneplan
Price calculation(p+0.01653+0.1088)*1.21
My prices can be negative Yes

Sell prices type Dynamic
Energy provider country Netherlands
Energy provider name Zonneplan
Price calculation(p+0.01653+0.1088)*1.21
My prices can be negative Yes

Can anyone tell me why it is not buying and selling eventhough there have been big differences in price.

I have read the entire internet (more or less ;-)) but I can not find any valid reason why it is not transacting.

Are you running in trade or green mode?

What is the difference between low and high prices through the day?

Is VRM possibly displaying ESS #1 / Low Soc?


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Something is moving :wink:
Last night it charged the battery to 98%.
Exactly when i expected, according to the graph, it started selling at 09:00.
Then at 11:00, conform graph, it started charging again.
I expect it to start selling again at 18:00.
It looks like it took a few days for the system to tune itself or something…
Since prices are known several hours before, can anyone tell me how i can see when he wil start dumping to grid or charging from grid. I seem not to be able to find that graph. All ik can do now is look at the forecast prices and make my own guess. But the system knows allready, but how or where can i see that?

[quote=“dognose, post:2, topic:17577, full:true”]

Are you running in trade or green mode?

Is VRM possibly displaying ESS #1 / Low Soc?
No, nothing.

It looks like you have the ESS mode “optimized with battery life” switched on. Set that to “without” because that’s how you let DESS run properly.

Ok, i will try that. Thanks.