
dubzy777 avatar image
dubzy777 asked

Installation of 10kVa quattro, 26kWh BYD, AC coupled with 8.2-1 fronius and 9.6kw of PV off grid with back up generator. Just wondering final configuration

As stated above and the drawing below i intend on installing the kit stated but when it come to the final assistants and getting the best out of the system. I have read of backfeeds into generator and blown diodes on the rotor so I'm just trying to avoid any complications. I do understand that AC coupling to battery charging is rather in-efficient but i feel like i have over sized the PV to cover the losses. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

GeneratorFroniusBYDac coupling
1165-dave-smith.png (243.7 KiB)
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1 Answer
matthew avatar image
matthew answered ยท

I have been involved in a lot of systems with similar set ups. Work very well. Tend to only spec the AC coupled systems with the loads being mostly through the day. With the Victron Fronius combo I have never had issues with the generator.

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dubzy777 avatar image dubzy777 commented ยท

Do you know the Exact charging efficiency of AC coupling by any chance?

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matthew avatar image matthew dubzy777 commented ยท

No sorry, Why do you not split the system to have some on the DC aswell. If you have loads at night it will work out more efficent?

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dubzy777 avatar image dubzy777 matthew commented ยท

When it comes to final config do you use DVCC ?

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