
mendok avatar image
mendok asked

Wind inverter

Hi all

I have a victron MultiPlus-II, cerbo gx, 48v batteries and wanted to connect a wind turbine 48v 2000w 3 phase to the system.

I have a sun 2000 gt with a dump load and it has ac output.

Was wanting to know if i would connect the sun 2000 to the MultiPlus-II ac out??

Thank you

Any help would be GR8

Hydro and Wind Power
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

IF you did this then the 2000GT would have to operate like a Grid Tie Solar Inverter. no ac then its off and when ac returns it graduly increases power, plus plus it has to be able to be controlled by frequency shift, then you MIGHT have a chance.

you would also need to be able to control how and when it shuts down ie

the loads low and the batteries and full and the grid is off, then the 2000gt must be told to shut down or reduce output , this is done with a grid tie by raising the frequency

the correct assistants would have to be setup in the Muliplus/quattro

also the wind units in put must NOT be higher than the size of the inverter.

This is not a recommendation form victron and you would need to test it and see how it proforms, ALL risk as to damage to diferant products would be at YOUR RISK ONLY

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mendok avatar image mendok commented ·

Hi Paul B

Thank you for your advice. As far as i know the sun2000 GT is ment to be a grid tie inverter, but the problem is that it doesn't have frequency adjustment , thats why i put the question to see if someone had a fix or found a way to incorporate both units. You could connect the unit on the AC in, but without frequency adjustment still not 100% sure. I think i will just get the midnight classic 250.

Thank you


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Paul B avatar image Paul B mendok commented ·

If its grid tie comparable then it will turn off if it cant see the GRID.

just put a contractor in its output and if the multiplus battery voltage starts to go up (to a level you dont want) turn the contractor off using a assistant then turn it back on when the voltage drops to a acceptable level.

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