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Elliot Morgan asked

Color Control showing inverter in "Off" State

We have a small off-grid system that includes a Color Control, BMV, Phoenix Inverter and Solar Charger.

In the system overview screen, the Color Control shows the inverter as "Off", despite showing AC loads. In the "devices" list, the inverter shows up, and we are able to see the details and see that its state is "inverting". (see attached screenshots).

Firmware on all devices is up to date and we have checked the pins on the VE.Direct cable to ensure there is no damage/debris.

The system is still working fine, the only issue is the erroneous state, but obviously we would like the customer to have a fault-free system. What could be the issue here?

CCGX Color ControlPhoenix Invertercommunication protocol
2 |3000

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