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mrcc11 asked

Self resetting fuse for charge controller

I am wondering if anyone has used self actuating or self resetting breakers for the positive line from charge controller? Any downside to using these instead of manually resetable breakers?

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ยท

It always has a reason for a breaker to break or a fuse to blow.
Under normal conditions a fuse should never blow, so it should never be necessary to use a self resetting fuse/breaker.
If a fuse blows constantly you should look for the reason instead of using a bigger fuse or
self resetting fuse.

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mrcc11 avatar image mrcc11 commented ยท

Thank you for the response. I am asking what the pros and cons of using this type breaker like this are.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE โ™ฆ mrcc11 commented ยท

Pro: you can reset it if it trips, what never should happen under normal circumstances

Con: it's much more expensive than a simple blade fuse

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