
Stefan Joachimsthaler avatar image
Stefan Joachimsthaler asked

Is it possible to set the pv input manually (preferably over mqtt)?

I have to grid tied PV inverters and one Multiplus II parallel to the grid in a three phase system.

One PV inverter is on L1 and the Multiplus is also on L1 (parallel). The other pv inverter is on L2.

As I can get and process the power of the grid tied inverters I would like to habe a possibility to get this information to the victron system. This would allow a better visualisation and the vrm portal would be able to show the correct consumption.

At the moment I have a Homeassistant system with all the data from the victron and from both pv inverters to store the data in an influxDB and show data like consumption in a Grafana instance. But I would prefer to have it all in the vrm portal.

I tried to set the pv input on L1 and L2 over MQTT but it seems like this is not possible as there is no write access.

Is there another way I could achieve this?

Best regards


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