
anders-rasmussen avatar image
anders-rasmussen asked

Exide ES1350 Charging Specifications for BSC IP22

Hi all,

Iโ€™ve bought the BSC IP22 12/30 charger, but can not for the life of me find out what the charging specs are for my GEL batteries. Where do I find this information?

I got two Exide ES1350 120 Ah delivering 12v for house power and a 70 Ah lead-acid battery as starter battery for the engine. Do I need battery presets for both types of batteries?



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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ยท

@Anders Rasmussen

This link has a little:

It's much the same as most Pb batts, and the 'normal' setting would suffice for all three of your batteries.

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anders-rasmussen avatar image anders-rasmussen commented ยท

Hi John, thanks for the information - there are a number of โ€œUser definedโ€ battery presets that rhymes with GEL batteries- I notice that these charging profile differs from the normal mode, and was told by the vendor who sold me the charger that I should select GEL in the app .. and read in this forum that you should setup the profile to match your GEL batteries as per the specs .. you sure I can use โ€œnormalโ€ mode?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ anders-rasmussen commented ยท

Hi Anders. I'm not sure what options the app offers you, but it's not really a critical decision. Personal preference often, and may depend on how you're cycling the batts, and how impatient you might be.

I tend to favour the less aggressive choices, but that's just me. Victron actually have several 'gel' algorithms with various kit, so just choose which you think suits best.

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