
mrpogle avatar image
mrpogle asked

How to get PUK code?

I need to change my PIN codes from the defaults but the Connect app wants me to enter the PUK codes which are on the actual devices. The devices are installed in a motorhome and so the labels are not accessible. How else can I get the PUK codes?

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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

There is not really another way. The idea is that to reset the pin a person needs to prove that they have physical access to the device, so there are the labels on the side.

It wouldn't be much good being able to access them via bluetooth or something because then anyone would be able to use the PUK code to change the PIN and hack into your system. It would be a little bit like locking your front door but not taking the key away.

Once you access them, then maybe you could write them down and keep safe for another time.

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mrpogle avatar image mrpogle commented ·

Yeah. I understand the principle. I was just hoping that maybe Victron kept a database of kit sold and could provide the info based on my order. They certainly have records of the serial numbers, for example.

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Jerry Callen avatar image Jerry Callen commented ·

I have the same problem: the batteries are mounted side by side in our boat, so I can't see the backside to get at the label. I do have a record of the serial numbers. Does Victron have a database that matches the serial number to a PUK?

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mwdavis0103 avatar image mwdavis0103 commented ·

I have a similar problem. The rationale given for PUK numbers is equally valid for serial numbers. I have the latter and would like to obtain PUK numbers associated with them. Hard to believe those data aren't available.

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deek avatar image
deek answered ·

Somewhat related, - after reinstalling Victron Connect App, my BMV is not accepting my PIN (which is still the default, 000000). I was told I need to enter the PUK instead but how do I go about doing that? I am prompted for the PIN and if I try to enter the PUK instead, the entry is cutoff after 6 digits and I am told it's an invalid passkey.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

An update to the other answers (which are also valid) - If the sticker on the side of the unit is damaged or missing.

Please contact your distributor if you get really stuck - they will need to contact their sales managers to escalate to our internal team.

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