
Michael Schmidt avatar image
Michael Schmidt asked

Multiplus II 48/5000 additional Charge Power


is there a possibility to use additional 48v Charger in system?

maybe it is possible to messure with 1phase sensor? To get correct soc?

best regards

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra โ™ฆ commented ยท

There are a few considerations here, such as can the batteries take more charge than what the multi gives without being damaged? Is this a single unit system? A BMV would be able to measure the SOC for you as it counts energy in and out of the battery bank.

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Michael Schmidt avatar image Michael Schmidt Alexandra โ™ฆ commented ยท

Yes the batterys are 840Ah at 18s. They can take 1c (so nearly 50kw).

yes it is single phase with only one MP II 48/5000.

The 5kw load is more than needed but the charging power (20kw Solar Generators) could be higer.

the System also has ccgx and EM-24 so will the BMV integrate in ccgx?

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1 Answer
ben avatar image
ben answered ยท

You can add a separate battery charger, yes. If you want accurate battery monitoring in that case, you'll need a measuring device like BMV-712 or SmartShunt at the battery terminal.

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Michael Schmidt avatar image Michael Schmidt commented ยท

Hi ben,

adding a shunt would be a great solution.

is it possible to integrate a shunt in the Battery Monitoring of Multiplus II or maybe the ccgx? Is it maybe possible to use

this to messure the additional charging power?

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