
wolle4000 avatar image
wolle4000 asked

Phoenix 12/375 VE.Direct not showing watt values on the CCGX

I Have a phoenix 12/375 and a CCGX . When I connect the Phoenix via Ve.Direct to my CCGX I only will see it on the display, but no Values (Watt). Where can I see more details or adjust something ?

CCGX Color ControlPhoenix InverterVE.Direct
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ยท

Hi @Wolle4000,

The smaller VE.Direct inverters are limited in the data they can display on the CCGX. DC Voltage, AC output voltage and State (eg Inverting).

They do not have a Watt or DC current measurement.

Settings adjustments need to be made through the VictronConnect app, for now you may need an additional VE.Direct to USB, or Bluetooth dongle to access this.

In the future we'll probably launch a feature to remotely change settings, using your GX Device as the access to your Inverter. Note that there is no timeline on that, keep an eye out on our blog for details.

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wolle4000 avatar image wolle4000 commented ยท

Are there any Phoenix Inverter where I can see the Watt or DC measurement in my CCGX?

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) โ™ฆโ™ฆ wolle4000 commented ยท

The best way to see which measurements are available for which inverters is to use the VictronConnect Demo feature.

This has (nearly) all the available products that can connect to VictronConnect, and you can see the settings, measurements and data that is available for them.

More information about how to get VictronConnect, and use the demo feature is here.

There is more data available with the Smart Phoenix range. Though there is even more again with the Multi range, even the very small ones.

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