
lambish avatar image
lambish asked

Easysolar grounding in vehicle

Hi, i experience some difficults to understand the grounding relay system in a Motorhome. In Many Diagram i've seen the ground (the ground point inside the easysolar panel where Ac in and Out ground should be connected) connected to vehicle chassis, for that OK.

Now, questions :

-Because of the built-in RDC inside the easysolar, should i connect the ground relay? And how?

-In my case i use a BYD Pro 10kw battery. Should i connect the ground of the box to negativ pole and to chassis? Or this already done inside the easysolar?

I don't have à DC distribution bus bar like in the byd/victron diagram (

In my opinion, it's difficult to find this Kind of informations for easysolar. The diagram always shown Multi and/or mppt etc... Maybe victron can made some specific diagram for easysolar, and the use in a vehicle? (or maybe it already exist but i didn't find it...)

EasySolar All-in-OneGrounding
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2 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Lambish

As in the drawing: grounding regulations can differ due to your region, please consult an electrician for that.

Normally you don't want to connect the negative pole to the chassis, but local regulations might require it.

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lambish avatar image
lambish answered ·

I've already talk to An électricien, my father and à friend, but nö know how it work for installation in a vehicle... And the AFNOR documents about Electrical installation don't say anythingaabout that.

For the negative of the byd battery ok, but for ground relay, should i use it? And how to use it?

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Yes! you should use the ground relay! see the multiplus manual about it:

see chapter 4.3

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