
tt2468 avatar image
tt2468 asked

DIY VE.Can terminators

I might need to use some ve.can gear soon and I'll need terminators, but I really can't find them anywhere (USA). Does anyone know what the terminators consist of so that maybe I can just make my own?

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4 Answers
mihair avatar image
mihair answered ·

120ohm resistor connected in parallel on the bus, nearbuy at the end of the line at the latest device

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tt2468 avatar image tt2468 commented ·

What pins of the rj45 would that be?

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vincent avatar image vincent tt2468 commented ·

Pinout is in the docs ;)

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Vincent Royer avatar image
Vincent Royer answered ·

In a pinch, this works fine.

1578610473418.png (677.7 KiB)
1578610494099.png (235.2 KiB)
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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

There are good answers here for the DIY route.

They come supplied with every GX device, and many systems do not use VE.Can functionality, so dealers tend to end up with a few.

It is also possible to purchase them under Victron part number - ASS030700000

I would make polite enquiries with Victron Dealers in your area, they might have some spares.

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vincent avatar image vincent commented ·

Fyi the Octo-GX I've received recently did not come with one. Hence my hack.

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Peter Buijs - NL avatar image
Peter Buijs - NL answered ·

2x 120 Ohm between CAN-H and CAN-L on both bus ends

Beware there must be no more than 2 (two) terminators in the whole CAN network, one on each network endpoint.

The network (bus) without powered devices should measure about 60Ohm between CAN-H and CAN-L


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spicedreams avatar image spicedreams commented ·

Thank you @Peter Buijs - NL for that nice description. I have used it to create my own terminator, since my dealer is adamant that the EasySolar is not supplied with a terminator.

I have a LiFePO4 battery which has a single CAN port. Where a device has a single CAN port, is it safe to assume it has an internal terminating resistor?

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Peter Buijs - NL avatar image Peter Buijs - NL spicedreams commented ·

Where a device has a single CAN port, is it safe to assume it has an internal terminating resistor?

In general speaking NO, it depends on the the device, some have internal termination and some don't. Devices with internal termination sometimes even have a jumper or switch to enable/disable termination.

Measuring without a powered CAN bus is the only way, properly terminated it should measure about 60 Ohms. And termination should be only at the both ends of the CAN bus.

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