
azand avatar image
azand asked

System keeps stopping since solar installation

Recently I installed some solar panels to my narrowboat. I have a Lithium system with a multiplus 3000. I recently added 8 solar panels and a MPPT 150/100. Since then, whenever the state of charge drops to around 70%, the lithium voltage drops to 11.9ish and the whole system cuts out. I changed my settings in my BMV to 14.4V for charged voltage as I read online. Anyone know what is happening?

Thank you.

Lithium BatterySolar Panel
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Azand.

It's likely your Li system is shutting down on V to protect itself (hopefully it has it's own bms). Despite what SOC says.

If you're using an independent BMV (the shunt gizmo) to monitor, then you'll need to set it up correctly.

There's quite a bit involved doing that, no shortcuts available.. understanding and hard-yards needed.

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azand avatar image azand commented ·

Thanks for your reply, John.

There is indeed a BMS. The guy who did the initial installation, while claiming to be an expert was anything but and he left the factory settings on the BMV. I have now changed these in line with those recommended for Li.

I'll now find a shore line to fully charge up the batteries in order to re-synchronise them.

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