
wolfgang Linke avatar image
wolfgang Linke asked

BMS Coupling 2 BYD L Boxes for Color Control

Since half a year I have 3 Multiplus with a BYD L Box 14kwh
Connected with special Victron cable VE Bus from Color Control to BYD
Box Inverter input. Works perfectly. CC has contact to the BMS
and the controls are working. Now I have a 2nd box 14kwh and would like to
connect the BMS of the second box. According to the BYD description
a normal network cable should connect the two CAN bus connectors of the boxes
connect. Unfortunately the data of the second box does not arrive in the Color Control Display.
When I start the second box at the main switch, the first box switches off.
There is no communication between the 2 boxes and the Color Control.

CCGX Color ControlBYD
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2 Answers
wolfgang Linke avatar image
wolfgang Linke answered ยท

The problem is solved. The BCU was defective. My dealer delivered another one and it works fine. The wiring as in the description was correct. Unfortunately it took me many hours of work. Therefore my recommendation. Before assembling and wiring, first assemble the box and switch it on. Then read out the data via the WLAN of the box.
Only if the data all ok indicate ready mount and connect to the Multiplus devices and the Color Control

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byd-service avatar image
byd-service answered ยท

Hello, you need to recommission the system with both batteries so the master recognises the slave BCU. If the problem persists please try connecting the CCGX to the new BCU (after commissioning it on it's own).

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wolfgang Linke avatar image wolfgang Linke commented ยท

Hi @BYD_service

I have removed all cables from the 1st battery and connected exactly the same new battery.
After switching on the usual flashing procedure appears. After a few seconds when the
If the switching impulse should come, the battery goes out and it flashes orange 6 times.

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wolfgang Linke avatar image wolfgang Linke commented ยท

Hi BYD_service can i contact you directly or have BYD a Service contact

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