
Tony avatar image
Tony asked

Why is it necessary to ground the battery negative on a off grid installation?

I have a off grid installation and I fully understand the need for good earthing on the AC slide of the system and the requirements for adequate earth leakage protection devices, for personal and fire protection.

But I don't understand the need to ground the battery negative on a off grid installation, please can anyone explain the necessity to earth the battery negative?

I have read the excellent documentation "Wiring Unlimited" produced by Victron Energy, a very worth while read, it explains the process of DC earthing, but not the reason why.

Please can anyone enlighten me as to the need for battery negative earthing?

Many thanks

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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

One reason is if you develop an AC to DC fault in for example an inverter. If the DC is floating then the AC to DC fault will raise the DC to a dangerous voltage. Grounding the DC ensures that it can not rise to the AC voltage. It also provides an earth route for the AC hopefully allowing the RCD to operate.

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Tony avatar image Tony commented ·

Thank you for pointing out the risk if an inverter developed a AC to DC fault, I had not considered that issue.

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