
gentoo avatar image
gentoo asked

EV charging station screen rebooting with system data error

My ev charger from victron just arrived - and it was working correctly until i connected it to the internet and it upgraded to 1.29 version - then after upgrade there is problem with screen . it is booting over and over with information on screen like "System data error". Was trying to update it 2 times with C25 version and C24 version but nothing helps.

victron productsevcs
2 |3000

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Hi, when restarting, is it trying to update the screen firmware?

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gentoo avatar image gentoo Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
After what type of restart ?

Normal with power off/on or with restart after updating ? or soft reboot from app- i can check then

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power on/off
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gentoo avatar image gentoo Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

cant catch any information ... it blinks just after restart with system data error. today was updating it with 1.29 firmware few times to check if there are any info on screen but maybbe there are but to catch them you need camera with like 50fps to catch some stuff :)

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gentoo avatar image gentoo gentoo commented ·

also no matter if BT is on or off when updating when nobody is connected thru BT. When BT is connected then yes sometimes firmware update can stuck at 50%. But my device website is working correctly just the screen is blinking all the time and everybody is asking me what the X is that :)

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@gentoo Check your email please

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