
wieso avatar image
wieso asked

AC-couppling a Generator on AC-out of Multiplus

Hello ,

Would an Inverter Generator such as an Honda EU20i work directly coupled on the AC - Out of the Multi? . Those Generators can be used in parallel with even 3 Units , so i assume the must synchronize to each other , similar like a Grid tie Inverter . Just a question


Multiplus-IIGeneratorac coupling
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4 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

The manual is talking about 2 Generators which need a Honda specific connection box.

I dubt, if can be connected to the ACout of the MultiPlus

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wieso avatar image
wieso answered ·

Hi ,

well there is no "Honda specific connection box" for them for a parallel Operation ! As far as i understand its the " old story of Master and Slave connection " ( those should be banned , by the way !!!) and i hope Victron will change that saying

One part is simply providing the Grid (Victron) and the other part (Honda) just synchronizes to that grid , like AC-coupling works with a GTI similar principal

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

If the inverter in the Honda generator can synchronise to an external supply then as you say it would appear to the Multi just like a solar inverter, so it ought to work.

I would suppose you would need a Multi that is significantly bigger so it can absorb the excess power in a load shed situation so at least a 3000 and probably a 5000.

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wieso avatar image
wieso answered ·

for sure the excess load has to go somewhere and the internal charger capcacity of the Multi should not be overloaded ---- Am pretty sure it could work or better it will work ....

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