
simarillion avatar image
simarillion asked

Read Smart shunt current from MPPT charger

If I create a VE.Smart Network in a Smart MPPT and then let a SmartShunt join this network to share voltage and current info. Can I read the SmartShunt current via from the MPPT or do I need 2 to USB cables and read each device. Which would be annoying because the information is already shared via BT. Btw, I read the protocol manually with a raspberry pi.

Best regards,


MPPT SmartSolarSmartShuntVE.DirectVE.Smart Network
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


No, the information is not transmitted like that.

You would need to connect both with the ve direct to usb cable to the pi to read their information.

The other way is to use the Bluetooth broadcast to harvest information.

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simarillion avatar image simarillion commented ·
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