
Troy P avatar image
Troy P asked

Design resources

So my installer/distributor (who does great electrical and other work on my boat in general) doesn't seem to know a huge amount about system design, so I'm looking for someone/somewhere I can upload my semi-decent diagrams and grt a sanity check and a few answers. My installer says "just call Victron, or write down your questions and I'll call them" but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. From the welcome post, I know this forum isn't the place for that either, I'm just looking for a point in the right direction even if it costs a couple bucks (within reason, not $800/hr like one website wanted). Any suggestions?

system designwiring diagram
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Hi, you could use the where to buy link on the main page which should reference an installer or supplier in your area that can help.

Ultimately your gear will come from a distributor who is responsible for support and should have skills to advise.

On the support page there is a link where you type your serial number and it should return the name of the distributor responsible.

While we don’t encourage design topics, point or focused questions are welcome but that does assume a base level of knowledge.

Have you considered doing the free training online at Guy produced excellent videos which will help. There are also great ones on the victron yootoob channel as well, with some reference architectures on the main product site worth a look.

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Troy P avatar image
Troy P answered ·

On the support page the only distributor within 300+ miles of me is an RV/van type. I've been watching hours and hours of videos, but I'm about to go from zero Victron gear to several thousand dollars worth and I just want to make sure I'm getting the right stuff.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Is your design for your own FYI or to fulfil local law?

You could ask specific questions about your proposed design. You obviously have a design in mind.

What do you need checked? Fuse and cable size (are in the manuals)

Once you have chosen your battery and know the manufacturer recommendations that is the programming is easy.

You could say I want to use XX product here to do this... Is there a better way?

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stevensnel avatar image
stevensnel answered ·

Nate from has a wealth of information and ready to use diagramms, but he also does 1 on 1 consultations for a fee.
probably a great place to start!

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Troy P avatar image Troy P commented ·
I was hoping to use Nate but his page says he's booked up for all his various services currently
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