
rod99 avatar image
rod99 asked

Victron MPPT Solar Charger 150/35 Output Voltage Adjustment

I have connected my charger parallel with battery and inverter (all 24V). While the inverter is working fine with 20-22V the battery cannot be loaded due to this low voltage. So when I connect the battery it is just unloading itself completely.

This situation might result from the low standing sun right now in november, but I'm not sure how the voltage will be in summer. Input voltage from the panels is about 65V. The batteries need at least 25-26V to charge them. I have checked all settings in the app but couldn't find any option.

My question is: Is there a way to adjust the output voltage of the Victron charger? Do I need other hardware? Or what can I do else?

battery chargingLithium Batterychargervoltage
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Do you have the smart mppt? If you do then the Victron connect app allows the programming.

If you have the older blue solar ones then there is a rotary switch and the manual will tell you where to adjust to. But the presets might not be totally right for the battery.

Other option if it is not smart and not connected to a GX is to buy a ve direct to BT module or a ve direct to usb for programming.

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josh-xerogrid avatar image
josh-xerogrid answered ·

I assume that its a SmartSolar charge controller, if so then within Victron connect and then locally connecting to the MPPT. You should see the cog in the top right hand corner press that then it should say Battery, press that and then you will be able to adjust Absorption and Float voltage.

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rod99 avatar image rod99 commented ·

Yes ist is a SolarSmart one. I have seen the two values for absorption and float. They are already in the range 27-28V. Can't tell exact values cause I cannot connect to the charger anymore due to sunset. :))

Should I change these values in order to get a higher output voltage?

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rod99 avatar image
rod99 answered ·

I have a blue SmartSolar Charge Controller MPPT 150/35.

Where can I adjust the voltage in the app? I couldn't find anything so far. There are only values for absorption and conservation voltage.

There is also a rotary switch. This is switched to 9 = LiFePO Battery. Do you suggest to set it to another battery type in order to get a higher voltage?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Top right the cog that is there

You can even save the profile.

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rod99 avatar image
rod99 answered ·

I just checked the settings in the app. Absorption Voltage is 28.4 V, float voltage is 27.00 V. These are the default parameters for LiFePo4 batteries. Output is about between 20 and 22 V no matter what I set the absorption/float voltages to. Only my inverter is connected to the Victron charger.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Please attach a screen shot of this and the battery settings.
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rod99 avatar image rod99 kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
I guess I found the answer.

The Victron Charger's output without anything attached is 28.4V. When I connect the battery (26.1V standalone) the voltage drops to 26.4V and the battery is charged.

When I only connect the inverter the Voltage drops to 18-22V. No matter what the Victron's absorption voltage is set to.

When connecting the inverter AND battery the voltage is about 25.7V and the battery is discharging.

Maybe this is just a newbee's confusion. Anyway thanks for help all!

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