
leverg avatar image
leverg asked

Controlling devices 220v on board with the Venus or CCGX ?


I,m searching for a way to control devices onboard which are connected to the 220V system.

I would like to turn on the heat in the boat an perhaps be able to start the fridge in the boat so the fridge is already cold when we arrive at the boat. Is that doable with the Venus or the CCGX ?

Or is there another way to do that perhaps ? I would like to control 2 or 3 devices on 220V.

CCGX Color ControlVenus GX - VGX
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ยท

It is possible to control one device via the relay on the CCGX or VenusGX.
You cannot pass 220V loads directly through this relay, but you can use it to drive another appropriately rated relay or SSR.
There aren't any more outputs for controlling more than one device I'm afraid.

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kai avatar image
kai answered ยท

How comfortable are you with engineering a system that's not "off the shelf"? There are certainly relay/SSR interface boards that you can mount onto something like a raspberry pi.

Have a look at the Victron modifications forum, and google for "home automation", "node red". That'll give you some ideas of what can/has been done, and the complexity of it.

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leverg avatar image leverg commented ยท

Thanks, but already found something in the meantime. Got a free Huawei 4g modem B525 and found this by a dutch company. The modem is 12 volts :) The board also. Now I need to configure the relay to start the inverter and 2 start the fridge :)

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andyalford avatar image andyalford leverg commented ยท

Thanks for finding these products. What fun you could have with this programmable version!

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eirik avatar image
eirik answered ยท

With the Venus and firmware 2.30 (or higher) it is possible to conect two devices (or circuits) independently. I am currently using one for controlling a 12 V fridge (using a simple relay) but the principle is the same for a 220V circuit, just use appropriately rated equipment. I am considering to use the second Venus output for controlling the solar charging.

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leverg avatar image leverg commented ยท

Thanks, but i would like to add some more devices.

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