
vanlifeftw avatar image
vanlifeftw asked

Is anyone communicating with 3rd party chargers?

If so, how and what's your use case?


chargercommunication protocol
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2 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·


I've not used this but stumbled upon a topic mentioning the midnite charge controller.

GitHub - jbakuwel/venus-midnite: Using Midnite Classic charge controller as battery monitor and charger

Someone made a custom driver for it. Communicates via modbus i believe and then adds the data into venus system via dbus

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Dušan Klofutar avatar image
Dušan Klofutar answered ·
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

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