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vanlifeftw asked

Why communicate with a 3rd party charger?


Because there is such a dearth of Victron 48V mains chargers, I'm considering using this pretty beastly Meanwell charger along side a Multiplus II 48/5000/70-95 (yay, apparently not available until 10/23).

Would it be useful to integrate this with the Victron setup? I'm trying to think of a useful scenario - perhaps if i have the multiplus set to draw a certain amount of shore power current, the Meanwell could be commanded to play along, if indeed this is an option. Thinking out loud, if the Meanwell overheats and shuts down, there's nothing really to do about it on the Victron side, right? Or, maybe the multiplus could be told to take up slack if there was a current limit. If my BMS decides to stop or limit charging for any reason, is it useful for the chargers to back off?

FWIW, I'm down to hack up a driver or some translator device. I have follow up questions if any of the above or other use cases is worth while.

Thanks in advance!

chargercharge current limitcommunication protocol
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