
marceldb avatar image
marceldb asked

How to avoid that solar inverters switch off at too high grid voltage?

At least here, in the Netherlands, we have issues in some areas with a too high grid voltage, when there is a over production of solar power. When the standard 230V grid voltage increases to +10% (>253V) a solar inverter must shut down. That means a loss in energy production.

Will this work?:

If a solar inverter is connected to the AC OUT 1 of a Multiplus II, will this avoid that the solar inverter switch off when the grid voltage becomes higher than 253V?

Or is there another solution with Victron combined with AC solar inverters that avoids that the solar inverter switches off?

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Victron inverters synchronise with the grid, so output voltage will match input voltage, until you disconnect the grid input, or it exceeds the input limits and it defaults to the configured inverter output voltage.

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marceldb avatar image marceldb commented ·
Thank you. Are the input limits adjustable or is it a pre-programmed value? Where can I find this?
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ marceldb commented ·

If you are using a grid code (most countries require this), it will be defined in that and viewable via veconfigure.

If you set the grid code to other, you will have the option to set an upper and lower limit, as well as reconnect voltages, but this may violate local regulations.

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marceldb avatar image marceldb nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
There was no option to choose the Dutch grid code, so I chose the German
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ marceldb commented ·
If there isn't a dedicated code, you could probably get away with setting it to other. I'm not familiar with local regs, and that would allow you to set your own limits.
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