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jeff925 asked

Multiplus II AC Load power calculations seem incorrect when using assistants

I have a Multiplus II that I'm trying to configure to set the relay output when the load is above a certain threshold. To get the right trigger I need to approximately double the load value in the assistant.

I would like to use this to throttle my VFD controlled well pump when the inverter reaches capacity. (I have a 1ph input VFD to 3ph output running a 1hp pump). I want to set the trigger around 2000W. However, when I set the assistant to check for loads greater than 2000W for 5 seconds it will trigger the relay around 1200W. When I set the value to 4000W in the assistant it responded about right. Why? Same issue for turning off the relay when the load comes back down, needs to be about double my intended set point.

Also, a similar issue is standby consumption of the inverter. The screenshot below is with the main breaker off (no loads connected). Why is the idle consumption so high? And why won't it go into AES mode given the trigger values shown? It seems if I set the trigger value above 100W it will eventually drop into power saving. I'm not sure I'm even going to use modified sine wave or search mode but I want to know why they don't appear to work as intended.power-consumption-with-main-breaker-off.jpg

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