
nemloc avatar image
nemloc asked

Blue Smart IP65 Charger 12/15 reset/separate multiple batteries?

Just got the Blue Smart IP65 Charger 12v/15A and set it to Lithium Ion mode and charged up a battery. I now wanted to move it to a very discharged Lead Acid battery but it seems to remember the first battery. How do I reset the charger? does a simple unplug do it? Is there another trick to get it to do a recondition on the lead acid battery? I was able to set the mode to normal+recondition and let it go, but it only brought the battery up to 9V instead of 13+.


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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You should unplug the charger from the AC power for a minute or so before connecting it to another battery to start a new charging cycle.

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nemloc avatar image nemloc commented ·
Thanks, so what does the normal+recondition do that the normal doesn't? I'm not seeing a difference in the outcome.
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