
manel-conesa avatar image
manel-conesa asked

Wiring 5 parallel batteries with IP22 w/3 outputs


First of all apologies for my ignorance on this topic, I'm trying the DIY :) I hope this diagram helps...

Battery charger: Victron Energy Blue Power Charger IP22 3 Outputs 12V


  • Are the Positive busbar(s) correct? Is it possible to wire it like this with the objective of charging 2 batteries from 1 Victron Output?
  • What would be the size of the wire (AWG) I would need for the positive connections? I saw 6AWG for a distance of 8 feet. Is that correct?
  • Would be the size also for the wires in section2 (blue rectangle)?
  • The fuses should be 30A?

Thank you in advance!


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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Potentially one battery can take the full output of the charger, so size all wires and fuses for 30A. Hope you're not mixing battery chemistries. Otherwise looks ok.

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manel-conesa avatar image manel-conesa commented ·

Thanks, @kevgermany Much appreciated

Checking the user manual, I see in the section "Enclosure":


Just wondering if I can use AWG6 for 30A, or should I use something like 10AWG or 12AWG?

*I'm not mixing battery chemistries

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ manel-conesa commented ·
You can only go to the max size in the manual. I think you're going to find that it's a snug fit.
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Related Resources

Victron Wiring Unlimited PDF

Victron Wiring Unlimited Online

VictronConnect VE.Bus charging manual  

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