
julian avatar image
julian asked

BMV-600 detecting full charge


i have a bank of 8 AGM batteries providing 48v and 500Ah. I recently put in place a BMV in order to check their charge level, but I'm unable to automatically detect 100% of charge.

According to the manual the parameters that should be set in order to detect fully charged are these:

- Charged Voltage (Vc) currently set at 57.3v

- Tail Current (lt) currently set at 4.0

- Charged detection time (Tcd) currently set at 3 mins.

but SoC remains at 95% and most of times it never sets 100%. I check the battery voltage and at the end of the 9 hours absortion phase stays above Vc value (first screenshot) but it doesn't change to 100% SOC.

Any idea?


BMV Battery Monitorcharger
track-voltage.jpg (40.7 KiB)
track-status.jpg (36.6 KiB)
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

try reducing the charged voltage a little bit to say 57.1 or 56.9

and or you could reduce the tail cureent to say 3%

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julian avatar image julian commented ·

Thanks @Paul B

I reduced Vc to 57.1 and it doesn't sync. Will try with 56.9. About tail current, why 3%? I mean, according to tail current meaning:

When the charge current value is below this percentage of the battery capacity (Cb), the battery can be considered as fully charged. Make sure this is always greater than the minimum current at which the charger maintains the battery, or stops charging.

If I put there 3% and as this is a porcentage, it might be harder to arrive that level or charge even more being older batteries.
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Related Resources

Victron BMV battery monitors product page


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