
harlequin avatar image
harlequin asked

Phoenix 12/50 charger "Adjustments without remote panel"

I've just replaced a Quick SBC battery charger (which cooked my boat's house bank) with a Phoenix 12/50 charger. All straightforward, until I reached the section in the manual entitled 'Adjustments without remote panel'.

I thought I was buying a "Fully automatic adaptive battery charger", according to the blurb. Do I really need to make these manual adjustments?

The manual's description of the adjustment is poor and Googling hasn't helped. Can anyone shed any light? Anyone out there carried out this procedure?

[Note, my house bank is 4 x 150 Ah AGM batt's which I gather should have the max Bulk current dialled back a bit, hence wanting to follow up on this...]

Many thanks!

battery chargingchargercurrent limitfloat
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It is an automatic charger from the perspective of charging the battery. It cannot automatically decide what the charging parameters should be for any particular battery bank. I don't know of any machine readable battery parameter systems.

In order charge you battery according to the manufacturer's specifications you will need to make adjustments, it's quite expected.

The steps highlighted in the manual seem accurate to me. Which section of that straps is not clear to you? One of us can probably help.

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