
jimduchek avatar image
jimduchek asked

MK2/3 VE.Bus, any additional resources?

So I wrote a VE.Bus (mk3) <->mqtt utility to hook my Multiplus into my HA. The VE.Bus doc 3.14 (last updated 2017! but it's the latest available, as far as I can find) covers most of what I need -- the ability to monitor the various voltage/current/frequencies, to turn the charger on/off, and to adjust the max load from shore power. Got all that working. I was able to figure out how to get the serial # off the unit by sniffing VE.Configure talking to the serial port, but that was pretty trivial (It comes right over in text, so it was easy to find). There are a couple things the VE.Configure tool can do that aren't documented and, before I dig further, was hoping somebody might know, or have a document:

A> How to identify the model that is connected? I assume it grabs some sort of product ID and then has a table. Suppose it may just use some part of the serial #...

B> How to read the Aux 1+2 ports, and control the aux relay? The Multiplus-II manual has very little on what these aux ports can actually be used for. I'm hoping I can get a voltage reading on them, but even it's just like, a contact switch, that'd be useful too.

C> How to get the internal temperature of the unit? I'm actually not sure this is in VE.Configure (it's not in VictronConnect, at least that I could find) but I assume it must be available somehow.

It doesn't seem that the mk3<->dbus code for Venus is open source (If it is, please point me in the right direction). Can't really find any other resources on the mk3/ve.bus protocol past that one document either.

Yes, I know I can install Venus on a rpi, and it would probably do this stuff. Even if I wanted to add another device into my system sucking power, you can't even find an rpi 3b+ for less than $150 these days anyhow.

Anyway, if anyone has links or access to any resources and wants to help (Victron employees maybe? :D), let me know. Thanks.

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yvesf avatar image yvesf commented ·

Hi @jimduchek , i can't answer your questions A/B/C. I just did the same as you by sniffing VE.Configure to get some more insights to the parts of the protocol that are not in the "Interfacing with VE.Bus products – MK2 Protocol" 3.14 document. In my case I was interested in the mk3-high-speed switching procedure. In this wiki article they say it's not recommended to implement mk2/3 and they don't support us. To my knowledge the mk3<>dbus part of Venus is not open-source. I also couldn't make much sense of the binaries found in the raspberry-pi image - but haven't tried to run+sniff them. You can find my code here. Would be great if you can share some of your findings too.

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1 Answer
ian0 avatar image
ian0 answered ·

Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but did any of you find the command that sets the access level?

My Quattro refuses attempts to change its charge current/float voltage etc via the Mk.2.2b interface, but this is obviously possible as the USB Mk.3 does it when setting up the Quattro from the computer.

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