
sweyn avatar image
sweyn asked

Position of ground wire on Lynx Distributer.

Is there a good reason not to move the green ground wire from the centre of the distributer as shown on this circuit diagram down to the other side of the smart BMS where I’ve drawn a green arrow?

My Distributer is very congested with connections, and it would make my life a lot easier…425ca4d8-0f2e-437b-970d-85bb9d6d7fc1.jpeg

Groundinglynx shuntlynx distributor
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1 Answer
netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

You can ground the mass wherever you like ... also at the position you have marked, or at both.
I think this is only a representation of one possibility

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sweyn avatar image sweyn commented ·
Thanks, I couldn’t see a reason, but was wary of going the wrong side of the shunt in case there was a consequence I had not considered.
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netrange avatar image netrange sweyn commented ·

The diameter should only be as large as possible in order to achieve the highest possible short-circuit current in the event of a fault.

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sweyn avatar image sweyn netrange commented ·
I’m aware of this, but not sure why?

I’ve yet to find a decent explanation.

The 12v circuit is made with both poles of the battery, not the ground, or water in my case.

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Related Resources

Lynx Distributor product page

Lynx Power In product page

Lynx Shunt VE.Can product page

Lynx Smart BMS product page

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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